How would you like to be less stressed and more fulfilled at work? How would you like to feel more happy and purposeful in your career? By aligning your values with your work, you can dramatically improve the quality of your work life. But how do you get started with aligning your values with your work? That's where this guide comes in…
Living Aligned
What is alignment anyway?
Alignment is more than a buzzword. It's a way of life for people who are committed to integrity, depth, and authenticity in their work. In order to live aligned, you must be conscious of your values and how they affect the work you do. You need to pay attention to what you want out of life and your career and how you can achieve that through your work.
Alignment means that your values and your work are in harmony with each other. This is different from simply liking your job or even being really good at it. Alignment happens when your values are reflected in every part of what you do — from the projects you take on to the way you communicate with others. The idea isn't to find a place where you can do whatever you want all day long without any accountability or expectations (although that would be nice!). Instead, true alignment is about finding those things that matter most to you and having the freedom to pursue them within the context of a job or career path that fits your skills and interests. Align yourself with what matters most to you, and then find ways to make it happen in tangible ways every day.
Identify Your Work Values
You are what you do. This is certainly not an original or flashy observation. But it's a powerful and helpful one. In fact, it's the very first step in evaluating whether your job — and your workplace — is a good fit for you.
If you don't like what you do, if your work doesn't fit with who you are and what matters to you, then no matter how much money you make or how fancy the perks or titles are, your job still sucks for you. This may seem obvious, but I think many of us tend to forget this fundamental truth when we're making career decisions. We focus on salary and title instead of the essence of our work: its impact on people, our sense of purpose, feeling connected to the mission, etc.